Voto Latino

New York, New York 10003
United States
Voto Latino is a non-partisan, youth driven, multi-issue, national organization founded for the purpose of creating a unified voice for Latino youth on policy & advocacy issues that impact their lives on a daily basis.

Voto Latino also works with local as well as national organizations in hopes of providing support for local grassroots outreach and voter registering initiatives.

There are currently 7 million registered Latino voters in the US, but there are over 8 million who are not registered, but are qualified to do so.

Voto Latino’s mission is to ignite this base and activate them to engage in the political process and in doing so provide a vehicle to enact positive change in their communities.
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: National
This group is a network.
Added on 07-17-2006
Updated on 07-23-2006

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