Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles Philadelphia

1220 Spruce St.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
United States
Uhuru Furniture is a project of the African People's Education and Defense Fund (APEDF). The mission of APEDF is to defend the human and democratic rights of the African community and to address the grave disparities in education, health, healthcare, and economic development of the African community.

Supporting social and Economic Justice for the African Community--
Want to Volunteer?

Next Volunteer Orientation:
Every Wed. @ Uhuru Furniture @ 7:00pm

Do you have 2 hours a week to support social and economic justice for the
African community?----
Furniture Movers- get a great workout
Help get the word out--put up posters on your campus or neighborhood
Customer service, organizing and furniture repair work & more!
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 06-16-2006
Updated on 01-08-2008

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