Tacoma Students for a Democratic Society

Tacoma, Washington 98406
United States
Tacoma SDS is a chapter of the growing radical movement Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). SDS began as the student front of opposition to the war in Vietnam. Civil disobedience and youth alliance were key tactics used during the 1960s anti-war and counter-culture movements. We, in Tacoma, hope to revitalize the strength of these movements in bringing students and faculty together to fight against imperialism, injustice, and greed.

The aims of SDS are ones felt by many outside of the academic arena. Tacoma SDS is focused on building a unified network in Washington. This includes community groups, school faculty, fellow college social justice organizations, high school clubs, alternative press, and former members of SDS.

Email list: discussion@lists.tacomasds.org
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: Metro
Added on 02-24-2006
Updated on 09-05-2007

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