UP (United Progressives) for Democracy: Focus on Youth

P.O. Box 317
Bearsville, New York 12409
United States
Multi-cultural coalition of progressive grassroots groups mobilizing in the streets and putting pressure on progressive Congressional insiders for participatory democracy, economic & social justice, peace and environmental protection. Its Focus on Youth Action Campaign coordinates and connects organizers from the hip hop activist community,with those working to engage young people in progressive electoral politics and campaigns in support of workers rights, counter-recruitment and universal healthcare. We are about to embark on a Listening Tour in partnership with the Hip Hop Caucus to encourage young voices from a range of American communities whose concerns need to be recorded and shared with experts and activists to work collaboratively to solve local, state and national problems.
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: National
This group is a network.
Added on 07-21-2005
Updated on 07-21-2005

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