Celebrate 100 years of National US Student Activism!

Starting Date: 09-10-2005

140 Fulton Street
New York, New York
United States

* co-sponsors welcome! *

Celebrate 100 years of national

public demonstration and RALLY

September 10, 2005 -- NOON

140 Fulton Street,

(1 block east of World Trade Center)

On September 12, 1905, a small group of young American socialists gathered at Peck's Restaurant located at 140 Fulton Street in lower Manhattan and established the first national US student activist organization -- the INTERCOLLEGIATE SOCIALIST SOCIETY.

Prominent young activists including Upton Sinclair, Jack London, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Clarence Darrow and other prominent socialists founded the ISS. According to:


"The ISS was organized for the purpose of promoting the study and advocacy of socialism among college students and faculty members. During its most productive years, the ISS had active chapters on many campuses across the country, particularly in the eastern and Midwestern states. As a socialist educational organization, the ISS established numerous study and reading groups, sponsored rallies and lecture engagements for prominent socialists, published book lists and pamphlets relating to a variety of socialist issues, and held occasional national meetings and annual conventions. In 1921, the ISS changed its name to the League for Industrial Democracy so as to reflect its then older constituency and broader objectives."

During the 1920s and 1930s, the Student League for Industrial Democracy inspired new student activist organizations which blossomed across America in hundreds of campus chapters that rallied millions of anti-war students before World War II.

In 1962, the Student League for Industrial Democracy morphed into a new national student activist organization: STUDENTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY (SDS). The civil rights movement and Vietnam War provoked SDS to emerge as a powerful activist organization which unfortunately self-destructed in 1969. However, SDS inspired all modern US student activism which continues to thrive at high schools, colleges and universities all across modern America in the 21st century.

Therefore, the link between American student activists in ISS in 1905 and modern student activism in 2005 is an unbroken chain of organizations, events and activists! If you were a US student activist at anytime, anywhere during the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s or in the new 21st century: JOIN US to announce our pride for the past and our commitment to support, promote and join modern student activism in 2005 and beyond!

NOTE: this announcement is the beginning of a plan of action, demonstration and commemoration. Feel free to contact us to assist planning, organizing and promotion of this important event. Of course, we will speak out about modern issues of concern and promote modern student activists in the lead of this event!



Join us in New York City
140 Fulton Street

September 10, 2005 : AT NOON

-- spread the word NOW --

* for details, email: info@may4.org *

American student activism is


* co-sponsors welcome! *
Geographical Scope: National

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