SATURDAY AUG 24th: Nazi "White Unity Blvd" Rally in Topeka/Counter-Demo

Starting Date: 08-24-2002
Starting Time: 1:00pm

Topeka State Capital Bldg
Topeka, Kansas
United States
This Saturday, Aug 24th from 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM
Topeka Kansas, At the State Capital building at 10th and Jackson,
also at the Curtis State Office bldg the NAACP, and other groups will
hold a counter-protest. Other groups opposing the Nazi's will gather
along 10th street on the Statehouse grounds.

Why: Because Nazis are bad....mmmmmkay?

How: See the Topeka Capital Journals artical at:

To see what the Law Enforcement Officials have planned, and will not
allow into the demonstration areas. I am suggesting that people bring
FM radios (Battery powered) in order to listen to "breaking news" and
other info (or sing-a-longs) during the rally. (Not the head-
phone/walkman kind: the LOUD kind)

The easiest way to get there from Lawrence: Take the turnpike (I-70)
west to Topeka, East Topeka exit, take the 10th-street exit downtown,
turn left, start looking for a place to park. 10th street and other
area streets will be closed to traffic (see article for details) but
there should be parking available either on Kansas Ave, or in the
State parking lot at 10th and Topeka Blvd.

Law Enforcement Officials, and other city officials have said that
there will be nearly 500 (yes, FIVE-HUNDRED) Law Enforcement Officers
at the rally (Which side of the fence they will be on remains to be
seen...hahaha) Therefore, you should prepare yourselves appropriately
for what/how you plan to demonstrate.

Feel free to copy this and pass it along to interested parties, and
encourage people to show up in Topeka (Plan on getting there around
noon or 12:30) and demonstrate our opposition to nazis, Fascists,
Racists, and Religious Right-Wing nut-cases.

bob cutler

Geographical Scope:

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