Campus Democracy Convention

Starting Date: 08-01-2002
Ending Date: 08-04-2002

Kansas University
Lawrence, Kansas
United States
The Campus Democracy Convention, August 1-4 in Lawrence, Kansas will challenge the corporate structure of education governance embodied in what are usually totally unaccountable school administrators, regents, and trustees. It will provide a forum to discuss campus campaigns and strategies. It will be a great chance to interact with people from across the US and North America. who are engaged in these kinds of campaigns and others:

-access to education
-right to organize (students and workers)
-civil rights and diversity
-research, curriculum, and technology
-social responsibility
-campus governance

Come to Lawrence, Kansas Aug. 1-4, 2002 for:
-Powerful speakers from across the country...
-Rump-shakin music...
-Organization building...
-Shared strategies for democratizing your school...
-Meeting students, teachers, and workers from campuses across North America...
-Building on a national movement for campus democracy!

Invited Speakers Include:
Robert McChesney - author, professor, and media activist
Breeze Lutke-Stahlman - student organizer with Delta Force (180/MDE) at the University of Kansas
Lawrence Soley - professor and author of ?Leasing the Ivory Tower?
Katie Sierra - student expelled from W. Virginia high school for wearing anti-war t-shirt
Beth Huber - President of the UMKC Part Time Faculty Association
Stanley Aronowitz - Director, Center for Cultural Studies CUNY
Jane Anne Morris - author/researcher on the history of the power-grabbing corporations and strategies to reverse the trend
Patricia Brodsky - faculty organizer and a member of the AAUP chapter at UMKC
Robert Miranda - Milwaukee Green Party and anti-voucher activist
Robert Jensen - professor and corporate media analyst at University of Texas

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