| |
Americans United for the Separation of Church and State - Michigan | Michigan |
BAMN - Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action and Integration and Fight for Equa | Michigan |
Beehive Design Collective | Michigan |
Calvin College Social Justice Coalition | Michigan |
Clinton Twp. Clean Water Actio | Michigan |
CONNECT | Michigan |
Cranbrook Kingswood Upper School African American Awareness Association | Michigan |
Earth Spirit | Michigan |
East Grand Rapids Young Democrats Club | Michigan |
Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance at Eastern Michigan University | Michigan |
Freedom Fighters United | Michigan |
Greenpeace in Ann Arbor | Michigan |
Jackson - The Movement | Michigan |
Kalamazoo Residents for Reform | Michigan |
Kalamazoo Society for International Development | Michigan |
Lincoln High Students Against War | Michigan |
Michigan Campus Progressive Network | Michigan |
Michigan State University Students for Economic Justice | Michigan |
MSU Alliance of LBGT Students | Michigan |
MSU Students For Peace & Justice | Michigan |