2016 Presidential Election - Green Party - Philly Map
In the 2016 general presidential election, the Green party candidates for State Auditor and State Treasurer beat the Libertarians (including the well-known Gary Johnson). But presidential candidate Jill Stein did not fare as well due to strategic voting against Trump.
I live right next to the center of Green Party support in West Philly!
Category Breaks used in the maps: 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%.
Click on the image for a high resolution one.
John J Sweeney, state auditor.
Kristin Combs, state treasurer.
The data comes from Philadelphia Votes - unofficial 2016 general results.
I've cleaned up the data. If you want a CSV with ward, district, and vote percent for each of the three greens.
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